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Network Databases


Network databases are a type of data storage and management system that emerged in the 1960s as an alternative to traditional hierarchical databases. Unlike hierarchical databases, which organize data in a tree-like structure with a single parent node and multiple child nodes, network databases allow for more complex relationships between data. In this article, we will explore the basics of network databases, their advantages, and some common use cases.

What are Network Databases?

A network database is a type of database that represents data as nodes connected by edges, similar to a graph database. However, unlike a graph database, a network database allows for multiple parent and child relationships between nodes, creating a more complex network of relationships.

Network databases are based on the CODASYL (Conference on Data Systems Languages) data model, which was developed in the 1960s to address limitations of the hierarchical data model. The CODASYL data model allowed for more complex relationships between data, making it more flexible and scalable than the hierarchical model.

Advantages of Network Databases

  1. Flexibility: Network databases offer a high degree of flexibility in data modeling, making it easy to represent complex relationships between entities. This makes them well-suited for applications with dynamic or rapidly evolving data models.
  2. Performance: Network databases excel at traversing large datasets, making them ideal for applications that require complex queries. Unlike hierarchical databases, which can become slow as the size of the dataset grows, network databases are designed to efficiently handle large and complex datasets.
  3. Scalability: Network databases are highly scalable, making them well-suited for applications that require high performance and high availability. They can be easily distributed across multiple servers, allowing for horizontal scaling as data volumes increase.

Common Use Cases for Network Databases

  1. Manufacturing: Network databases are widely used in manufacturing applications to model complex relationships between parts, products, and processes. They can be used to track inventory, monitor production, and optimize supply chains.
  2. Banking and Finance: Network databases are also commonly used in banking and finance applications to model relationships between accounts, transactions, and other financial data. They can be used for fraud detection, risk management, and compliance reporting.
  3. Telecommunications: Network databases are well-suited for telecommunications applications, where they can be used to model complex relationships between customers, services, and equipment. They can be used to track usage, optimize network performance, and provide customer support.
  4. Healthcare: Network databases are also used in healthcare applications, where they can be used to model relationships between patients, providers, and medical data. They can be used for electronic health records, clinical trials, and medical research.


Network databases offer a powerful alternative to traditional hierarchical databases for managing complex and interconnected data. They offer flexibility, performance, and scalability, making them well-suited for a wide range of applications. While they may not be appropriate for all use cases, network databases are an important tool for data professionals to consider when designing complex data models.

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