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Python: Accessing a SQL database

create database sandbox;

use sandbox;
CREATE TABLE employee_id (
        emp_nm varchar(30) not null,
        emp_id varchar(8),
        b_emp_id varchar(8),
        PRIMARY KEY(emp_nm) );   

If you really want to do data work, you need to be able to connect to a database. In this example I will show you how to connect to and query data from MS SQL Server with the AdventureWorks2012 database installed.

This lesson assumes some very basic knowledge of SQL. If SQL is a complete mystery, head over to my SQL page: SQL  If you check out the first 4 intro lessons, you will know everything about SQL you need to know for this lesson.

Install pyodbc

To connect to the database, we need to install pyodbc. Go to your Anaconda terminal and type: pip install pyodbc

Now open up your jupyter notebook and start a new notebook

Connect to Database

import pyodbc

cnxn is our variable – it is commonly used as a shorten version of connection

syntax: pyodbc.connect(‘DRIVER={SQL Server}; SERVER=server name; DATABASE=database name;UID = user name; PWD = password’)

finally cursor =cnxn.cursor() creates a cursor for us. In SQL, a cursor is used to step through your results one row at a time.

cursor.execute(place sql query here)  – this is how you pass a sql query – note query goes in quotes

tables = cursor.fetchall() – fetch all the rows in your query results

We can now iterate through the rows in tables.

I don’t like the layout of this. Also we can’t really work with the data.

Pandas Dataframe

first import pandas

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