Python: Arithmetic, Relational Operators, and Variables

Arithmetic Operators

Python Arithmetic Operators are pretty standard.

Arithmetic Operators

  • + : Addition
  • – : Subtraction
  • * : Multiplication
  • / : Division
  • //: Integer Division (Return divisor: 5/2 = 2)
  • % : Modulus (returns the remainder of a division problem: 5%2=1)
  • ** : Exponent (4**2 = 16)

Screenshot 2022-07-05 124159

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Relational Operators

Relational operators compare values and return a Boolean result (Boolean means 2 states, in this case True or False). Note when using relational operators, == is equal to. A single = is used to set a variable value, not to compare two values

> Greater than

< Less Than 

== Equal to

!= not equal

>= or <= greater than or equal, less than or equal

Screenshot 2022-07-05 122503

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Variables are a way of holding values in a program. You take a unique character string and you can assign values to it, and use the string throughout your program. Variables in Python are pretty straight forward. Unlike other programming languages, you do not need to define the variables first. Python dynamically assigns the data type.

Three main rules:

  • Variables must start with a letter or _
  • Variables are case sensitive
  • Avoid using command keywords (print, def, for)


notice lowercase ‘a‘ returns an error

Remember, Jupyter notebooks only return the last command. If you want both variables, use the print command

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You can perform arithmetic functions on variables

Screenshot 2022-07-03 211010

And of course, variables can hold strings as well

Screenshot 2022-07-05 122935

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Last Lesson: Install Python and Hello World

Next Lesson: Print Variables and User Input

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